A Guide to Becoming A Defensive Driver

As a driver, one skill set you should consider learning is defensive driving. Defensive driving is a form of driving that goes beyond what you know about driving and its mechanics. This aims to reduce the risks associated with driving. Defensive driving helps you avoid running into accidents and lowers your risk if you’re behind the wheel.

If you’ve been a long-time driver, you know that not all people drive very well. Some are aggressive, some don’t pay attention, and some are just reckless. While you can’t control how drivers act around you, learning how to do defensive driving can help you avoid the dangers of people who recklessly drive.

Stay Focused

Any distraction that removes your focus on driving must be stopped. Driving deserves your full attention, hence you need to focus on the road. Remove distractions like your phone, and please don’t text.

Check your mirrors frequently and scan conditions around you. Let your eyes move around. Also, keep an eye out for pedestrians and pets along the road.

It’s also important that you stay alert to focus on driving. Don’t drive under the influence, and don’t drive when you’re sleep-deprived. These are some of the common causes of car accidents. Consult with your auto accident lawyer in Salt Lake City to know more about driving under the influence and its punishments.

Control Speed

There are usually speed limits posted around, and it’s your responsibility to ensure your speed matches the limit. Maintaining your speed will also help you maintain control over your car. The faster you drive, the longer it takes for your car to stop, thus creating a bigger impact if you crash. This will also be applicable if you have to drive under unfavorable weather conditions.

Always Use Your Seatbelt

Plenty of car accidents happen in the United States, a lot of these could have been prevented by wearing a seatbelt. There are many studies available that prove how effective of a safety tool seatbelts are.

Be Aware of Driving in Special Roads and Weather Conditions

driving in the snow

Rain, snow, and other weather conditions may affect the road you drive on. The road may be bumpy, filled with a lot of curves, or have potholes. It’s important to know what kind of road and weather conditions you’re driving in. You’ll probably need to drive slower to ensure you’re driving safely under these conditions.

Have an Escape Plan

Defensive driving helps you create an escape plan. With the skills you develop in defensive driving, you can come up with back-up plans that will come in essential as you keep on driving.

Be Independent

Be considerate of other drivers, but you must also look out for yourself. Don’t expect drivers to be courteous and move out of your way or allow you to merge in traffic. Assume the worse so you’re prepared to act. Plan your movements for any worse-case scenarios.

Hit the Break Early

Leave a little space between you and cars and break early. It’s always better to slow down a bit sooner, especially in slippery roads. This will give you more room to stop especially when someone ahead of you hits the break suddenly.

Defensive driving is a skill that helps you prepare for driving safely. Use these skills so you can always be safe on the road.

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