Legal Methods of Workplace Conflict Resolution

People’s backgrounds are diverse, and they have different personalities. To this end, disagreements between those living or working in close quarters are common. For married couples, some differences lead to separation.

Most people assume divorce is a messy affair with couples trying to paint each other in the worst possible light and take as much as they can. Divorce mediation here in Denver is one of the most popular alternatives. In this option, a couple sits with a mediator and their lawyers.

In mediation, you will come up with a solution to the fair division of your wealth, child custody, and other elements. Getting a mediator with a legal background is an inexpensive choice because he/she will also handle the legal aspects of your separation.

Other than divorce, workplace conflict will have a significant effect on your mental and physical wellbeing. You cannot always opt to quit your job owing to conflict. The following are the legal options you have to resolve any workplace conflicts between you and your employer or colleagues.


This involves a back-and-forth between the conflicting parties to find a solution that works for both sides. The needs of both parties will be considered, and the negotiated agreement can become an enforceable contract. Negotiation is quick, inexpensive, voluntary and unstructured.

It also results in a win-win for both parties. The process is used at all stages of a conflict. This includes before filing a lawsuit, while a trial is in progress, at the end of a trial or even after filing an appeal.


Here, an impartial mediator will help two conflicting parties communicate and reach a mutually acceptable solution. The mediator, in this case, will only facilitate the communication between conflicting parties and set ground rules. He/she, however, has no input in the agreement reached.

The agreement reached can be in writing and legally enforceable. Even so, if you do not reach an agreement in mediation, you still have other alternatives.


Here, an arbitrator will control the conflict resolution process, listen to the parties then make a decision. Like in a court trial, arbitration ends with only one winner though you can appeal a non-binding agreement. Unlike court trials, nonetheless, it has limited appeal rights.

You can opt to have one arbitrator, but in most cases, there will be a panel of 3, 5, 7, 9, or 11 arbitrators depending on the magnitude of your case. Arbitration is less formal, quicker, and cheaper compared to a court trial.


brown gavel

Here you will use courts to resolve your conflict. A trial will formally examine the specifics and evidence in your case before reaching a verdict. You can appeal the court’s decision to a higher court if you so wish. In some instances, the losing party will pay for the court proceedings and the winner’s attorney fees.

Most workplace conflicts are resolved through arbitration, mediation, and negotiation. This is because these options are private, and the public perception of a company remains pure. Moreover, they, in most cases, preserve ongoing work relationships and prevent hostilities.

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